UTA serves as a reliable source for high-quality EPDM sealing washers. Our washers find extensive use in industrial, commercial, and residential construction projects. UTA offers a wide selection of sealing washers, including EPDM Bonded Washers (conductive), EPDM Cut Washers (insulated / conductive), Umbrella Washers (BAZ), Oil Seals, and Soft Rubber Lock Washers. Our sealing washers meet the diverse needs of screws and bolts in various applications.


EPDM Bonded Sealing Washers Suppliers, Conductive Washers

Sealed Washer

  • EPDM Bonded Washer, EPDM Bonded Sealing Washer
    EPDM Bonded Washer
  • M-Type Bonded Washer - Conical Washer, Conductive M-Type Washer
    M-Type Bonded Washer
  • Bowl Washer - BAZ Washer, Umbrella Washers
    Bowl Washer
  • Oil Seal
    Oil Seal
  • Cut EPDM Washer - Insulated Cut EPDM Washer, Conductive Cut EPDM Washer, Sealing Sliced EPDM Washer
    Cut EPDM Washer
  • Cup Washer - Stainless Steel Conical Washer, Copper Conical Washer
    Cup Washer
  • Vulcanizing Strip
  • Rubber Pad

Lock Washer

  • Tooth Lock Washer - Rubber Wraps Serrated Steel Washer, For Eyebolt
    Tooth Lock Washer
  • PC Washer